Home Articles Import and Export Import products Please note that For importing many products, it's a lot faster to use the .CSV format Where? There are two places where you can import an excel product list:When you create a new inventory:Add new inventory -> Select inventory type -> Choose “IMPORT your excel product list“Existing inventory:Contextual menu -> “Import products list” How? Create your excel products list (see below how)Bring it locally (to mobile device card) or to a cloud place (Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.)Access “Import products list”Pair application fields with columns from excel list (verify section)Proceed … Format xlsxlsxcsvDownload an excel list example here List structure and fields We recommend that the first row of the list to be the header of the list with the field names. Each column is a distinct field in the app. Which fields are mandatory and which ones are optional? At least one of the fields below is mandatory (it’s enough to have just one of them):SKU (internal code)the alphanumeric field which identifies an unique productProduct nameBarcode / QR codeyour products barcodes fieldhelps you to identify products at scanningNFC code Existing inventories - imports types There are two types of imports:Delete and importAll the products from the inventory will be deleted (including entries / countings) and replaced with the new imported productsUpdateProducts from the new list and not found in inventory will be addedProducts from the new list and found in inventory will be updated with the new values for all the fields excluding SKU (internal code)Attention !!! – > To update your products must have SKU (internal code) field completed Other optional fields UM main measurement units fielduse the lowest measurement unit levelCategoryyour products categories filedhelps you to identify products easily using the categories filter featureBook quantity (only for Take stock inventory type)your products expected quantitieshelps you to compare during and after the collection data process: collected vs. book quantityBatching unitthe names of your batching units (i.e: box, 6 pack)Batching factorthe conversion factor from batching unit to main measure unithelps to collect data in batching units and transforming it into main measure unitsEx.:product name => juiceMU => bottlebatching unit => boxbatching factor => 8i.e. one box contains 8 juice bottlesYour custom fields (ex.: price, color, etc.) Was This Article Helpful? Likes: 22 Previous Export data Next Adding custom fields